Thursday, 15 May 2014

Rhys and Christian this is for you!

Its the Romanian parliament. I thought it qualified as its the second biggest administrative building in the world! Who knew it was in Romania?!? Only beaten by the Pentagon in USA, rough estimates are that it cost about 12 billion AUD to build, a couple of hundred lost their life building it, its got approx 9-10 floors below ground and its as long as 7 football fields. We saw about 15% of it, including the biggest room, large enough to fit a jet inside... Seriously!


  1. Hi Amanda, how psycho! just finished watching doco on Orient Express and they visited Romania and showed the Parliament House as it was in your photo.
    Same comment made re biggest admin building in world. Then I come in to check your post and didu didu? lol S.A.

  2. Wow! That's massive! How crazy!
