Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Istanbul madness...

13 million people in this amazing city, and I just added myself as an extra crazy person.
Today has been long and tough on the brain and body.
After arriving at 6am on an overnight bus, I've managed just 5hrs sleep last night. We then had a walking tour of the city before breakfast started at 7:30am. After that it was saying goodbye to half the group, very sad as we have had lots to bring us close together in the last 18 days.
I had a plan for what i had to get through today to make tomorrow work before flying out in Friday. Starting with the blue mosque.
Christian and Rhys that's for you... No details too tires, just to say its inside the mosque! After that i hot footed it to the mavi jeans store where I bought big, then back to the hotel to check in, followed by a 3.5hr walking tour with a guide that bearly held my interest let alone kept me awake... The old and new Istanbul tour this arvo involved following a guide that couldn't judge body language and the fact that we were all exhausted. He then took heaps of photos throughout our tour for the company website update... Interesting! The only interesting thing was having our turkish coffee teacup sludge read along with tarot cards.. Not a big believer but oh so interesting! And, if all that wasn't enough punishment for one day, I then took myself off to see the Haigia Sofia... Nice, but at this point of tiredness not amazing :(
Its been a long day and tomorrow is worse, but at least ill have some sleep... I'm in Turkey though so I shouldn't complain!
Its 6:30pm and my roommate just fell asleep... Guessing dinner will be skipped and baklava too, unless I can drag my behind out for another 1hr.
Here's to taking one for the team!
A x


  1. Is that complaining I am reading? I feel sooooo sorry for you. NOT! Geez Louise....... think of us going to work everyday! Quit your complaining and enjoy the fact you are in another country, tiredness and all ��

  2. Hagia Sophia featured in 'The Tournament' and means Holy Wisdom. The cathedral was built by Justinian The Great in the 6th century as a Christian cathedral and was used as a mosque after the Turks conquered the city in the 15th century. It is reputedly the finest and most famous example of Byzantine architecture in the world and popularised the name Sophia in the Eastern church. Allan H
