Sunday 24 September 2017

Sri Lanka day 2!

What a day. We had a beautiful breakfast by the swimming pool... Followed by a 5 hr bus trip. Which sounds kind of boring, but it wasn't!
Our trip today included a supermarket stop, which all of you will know is a favourite pastime of mine when visiting another country. I tried my first type of banana today, there are apparently 60+ types of banana in Sri Lanka according to our guide. I'm aiming to try at least 5 different types while I'm here... I don't want to just live on bananas!
After that we went to a family run business that uses the coconut husks to make some amazing things... Like rope! And did you also know that they can make a type of treacle from the coconut  plant... The many uses of coconut in Sri Lanka is amazing and nothing is wasted!
We also went to an amazing temple that is currently being built. No photos sorry.
After that it was a lunch stop on the side of the literally a hut on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere... For a tasty buffet.
Our hotel is another mini oasis.. See picture of hotel pool, which I will be enjoying tomorrow afternoon.
After that we went to the 'birth place of Buddhism' in Sri Lanka. No idea what its called. But I took some nice pictures for you all. ... Unfortunately I missed the money shot of the giant troughs used in the refectory for rice and curry. The rice one was about 70-80 cm deep, about the same wide and about 5 meters long! Crazy. Sorry I completely missed the photo, you'll just all have to visit for yourselves.
After sunset on the top of the hill we went for a most amazing meal at a local restaurant. Paid top dollar... $3.50 Australian! My taste buds are slowly getting used to all of this chilli.
Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as though Sri Lanka's food prices compare with Mexico as when our son, Nick, was there some years ago the meals were so cheap he described it as tight-arse heaven!
