Wednesday 27 September 2017

Lion's paw and spice farm

Another day in Sri Lanka, another early start! Today at 6:30am we met to go to Sigiriya. An awesome royal complex used around 500 AD. The site is up, up, up, on a hill and was quite a lot of steps to climb. Thank goodness it was early and slightly windy.. Perfect walking weather. Up towards the top we got to see some cave paintings that are still in great shape, 1600 years later. Unfortunately no photos as they are trying to preserve the frescoes. After that it was a hike up more stairs to the actual lion's paws. The view was spectacular.. Unfortunately I got a touch of vertigo and couldn't stomach the 30min climb further up the rock. Still it was fun.. And the sower afterwards was also enjoyable!
The afternoon saw us move to Kandy, stopping at a spice farm along the way.
The spice farm was fantastic! We got a lesson in local plants and their medicinal uses. A short lesson on cocoa trees, turmeric, peppercorns, ginger and cinnamon. We also got mini massages and of course the hard sell, which I totally fell for! Lots of purchases, which I hope will work.. Dad I have something for you to try :)
I managed to buy some lovely tea mix and even some curry spices which I cant wait to try out... When I get back home and after this curry coma wears off!
Sorry for all the posts at once as you can guess 'wifi' in Sri Lanka can also be a bit 'quirky'.
A x

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