Wednesday 27 September 2017

Lets keep it real people

Ok, ok, so by now Sri Lanka is sounding all peachy! And it is, but here's a few home truths.. Its hot and humid, bloody humid! You cant be outside and standing without sweating! You drink copious amounts of water and hardly need to use the bathroom.
The food is awesome, but they eat curry and rice for at least two of the three meals a day, and sometime even for breakfast! Its craziness!
The showers are always interesting.. The hotel on day two had no hot water, and even though its hot, a lukewarm shower is better than freezing cold.
When it rains, it pours! Like buckets! You cant see 20 meters in front of you!
The roads are great, but drivers like to overtake on solid lines and so I've found its best not to look lol. Its perfectly safe as people on the opposite side of the road move to the side when a car coming in the opposite direction is on their side of the road.
No two power sockets are the same. Sri Lanka has like three different power outlets... Sometimes in the one room! Its hilarious, and sometimes means you play musical power sockets trying to find one to fit your international plug!
The girls wear ties to school, usually the boys don't. They wear them with a school dress and our guide thinks its for 'modesty' lol
The dogs! In a country of 21 million people there are more then 2 million dogs. They're skinny and manky, and they generally hang out in pairs (and like to bark at Amy in our group alot, because she wears a high pitched mosquito buzzer).
The mozzies are insane in some cities (thank goodness I'm not in one of those cities now).
And tipping... They don't like to be tipped with coins, only notes, even though its local currency.
And that's just some of the Sri Lankan quirks that are making this an amusing trip :)
A x

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