Wednesday 22 April 2015

Planes, Rain & more Planes

And so it starts again. A blog about the mishaps and happenings of my holiday. I've got to say this one has got off to a cracking start!
First off I had windy weather in Griffith and Sydney on Monday. This meant delays from Sydney and a decent amount of bouncing on poor old Rex. And truly.. I know everyone knows how much I love to fly.. Because I've told you all!.. It was bad.
Anyway.. Landed in Sydney to rain.. Rain.. And more rain.. All night.
This meant my flight to LAX was delayed... Which meant my connection to NYC was missed. Yep, two hours planned by the airline (not my poor travel agent skills) and it was there one minute and gone the next. So.. United Airlines put me on the next available flight 2.5hrs later.. Which was ok because I had 4.5hrs to spare in NYC to get my Toronto flight.
Right? Wrong!
That flight was delayed too.. Which meant that the time I thought I had between flights I actually didn't... Oh and then add in the fact that American airlines brought my flight forward 1.25hrs AND changed the airport it left from... All meaning that.... I spent the night at JFK in NYC.
Yep not my finest hour.. I'll admit I shed two lonely tears when American airlines told me I missed the last flight out and the next one wasn't until 9am the following day :( so there was nothing I could really do, it was 8:30pm, airport info was closing and only one terminal in the airport stayed open.. So I sat with the best of them and did that nodding off, jarring 'im not asleep' wake sleep thingy for quite a few hours and made it through to 5:00am. This was witching hour, when things start to open, so I managed to wheel my suitcase around like a mad looking, homeless woman who hadn't eaten or sleep in ages.. And showered in much much longer.
And that's my story folks.
I arrived in Toronto to miserable 13 degree weather, cloudy and some rain. To a 4 bed female dorm, with shower shared between four (and usually minor mould) to a room with a very chatty Chinese student who laughed (politely I think) when I told her it had been 2 days since I showered. Don't worry, I wore things in the shower for those of you grossed out... It was minor really, just in one corner. Rest is clean I swear!
My Japanese noddle soup has finally soothed my soul.. And all going well I will meet Megan who lives in Toronto tonight for dinner. Worse case I'm in bed by 7pm :p
Hope all is well there.. Mum, Dad seriously I'm fine.. Who hasn't slept in an airport before :)
Kylie.. Thanks for the white lies.
A :)


  1. I've got your back big sister! You owe me big time!

  2. PS-I just had to tick a box to prove I was not a robot before publishing this message. What the???? What is this world coming to?

  3. Lol airport sleeps, just as bad as train sleeps when Mrs G. has told your mum every nightmare train-robbing-gypsies story she has ever heard and then the ticket inspector backs these stories up with 'Lock door when sleeping. Gypsies bad! Steal bags!' For the record, the only gypsy I've ever seen close up was on 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding'

  4. Hey Amanda. Fingers crossed you got all your bad luck and weather out of the way all in one go. You make the most of that shower, don't come out till you're all relaxed and look like a prune. Only suggestion would be not to sit on the floor or anywhere near that corner!!! Have fun! Kate.

  5. American Airlines are crud just for the record. Today their flights were grounded because the app the pilots used crashed. Hmmm - dodgy!
    Store this - DON"T fly American Airlines! :)

  6. Enjoying your blog again, and glad it wasn't me sleeping in the airport lounge, or trying to. Sorry for delay but I've been away.

    Allan aka Book Bloke
