Saturday 19 April 2014

100+ kms!

We did it and more! The first picture is Lara at what we guess to be between two buckets (very  official) and where we guess we hit the 100km mark.
Today was/is the longest, hardest day by far. Not a lot of talking when you hit 25+ kms lol. Today we did 30kms and our bodies are much worse for wear :( check out laras new blister (one of many) and the back of my heels which have been felted (thanks mum!) and luckily saving you from looking at them.
We also managed to see a few churches, some wide open fields, walk around a lake (awful because we just wanted to be lying on a bed by that point) and meet a great hostel owner.
Tonight is pinxos (I think that's how you spell it, and basically is tapas) and the home of artisan ice cream... Can't wait!
Lara and Chris leave early tomorrow :( Anna and I have an easy 20km day.. finally! :) and then it all starts again till Wednesday when finally its no more walking.
Happy Easter everyone, send me some egg pictures if you can be bothered :) chocolate variety that is.
A x

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